Oldies in the Club

My brother is getting married this weekend who lives in Miami, so as temperatures steadily decline in New Jersey, I am enjoying beautiful 78 degree temperatures. Saying this is not (only) to brag, but it sets the scene for a hilarious observation I made last night. 

The club scene is obviously huge in Miami so for the bachelor party we went out and had a great time. As the night went on, and people started to fill the club, I noticed two phenomena I would have never imagined.


Slight Exaggeration

The first one is OLD PEOPLE! The difference between the middle aged folks in Miami than most other places is that they are so plastic surgery’ed up that you can’t tell whether they are 45 or 55 (they aren’t tricking anyone) and if they are always happy or if they’re faces are stuck like that. I honestly give them credit for having the motivation to stay out until 4 in the morning and later, but there is just something flat out creepy about having these oldies mixed in with the young blood at a club. Probably because you find old guys starring down girls dancing…or texting, which brings me to my next point. 

I always get annoyed when young people like myself forget how to socialize. It’s like every since we have gotten the ability to communicate with our friends wherever we are, we forgot how to talk and make friends with new people in different places in person. This is exactly what I found while at Segofredo. A mix between people talking, standing, and texting, drinking, oh and dancing(barely). How can you go out and spend money to get into a club where the music is bumping and be on your phone all night!? It’s crazy. I spent my night with my brother’s French friend finding as many things to stand on top of and dance.

 Miami is a strange place with excitement at every corner. I know that it all depends on where you go and when you go, so I have no doubt in my mind that every other place can blow my mind with craziness and fun. Some people hang on to their youth just a little too long, and should recognize when it’s time to call it a night, and some youth need to drop they’re addiction to phones and remember what it’s like to let loose and go crazy.